Travel diary and tips for visiting Jaipur in India.?

Jaipur in India

Visiting Jaipur also means visiting its old center and meeting the locals. We give you in this article of our  travel blog  all  our advice and tips  for an unforgettable stay in Jaipur and in particular to enjoy the visits in the best conditions. Travel story with our good restaurants and accommodation addresses, photos and video  of the visits and the city are on the program to  dream  and why not  prepare your next trip to India . Good reading.

Itinerary Rajasthan Jaipur

The Palace of Winds – Jaipur

By the way, we are Franck and Richard. We are travel bloggers and have been exploring the world by sharing our inspiring stories, itineraries, city guides, practical advice and alternative tips with you since 2008 on One Day On eTravel. Learn more

Itinerary in North India

Must see sights jaipur view india rajasthan

Welcome aboard the   OneDayOneTravel travel blog . We tested a  travel itinerary in  North India: Delhi,  the Taj Mahal  and Rajasthan . We share with you  our stories, advice and tips  to make you dream and to help you  prepare for your  first trip to India  and Rajasthan in  particular. we visited palaces and forts, wandered the alleys and souks of the old towns, slept under the stars in the Thar desert and came  back with our heads full of memories and colors, and a little changed all the same.

Visiting Jaipur also means visiting its old center and meeting the locals. We give you in this article of our travel blog all our advice and tips for an unforgettable stay in Jaipur and in particular to enjoy the visits in the best conditions. If you want to explore the city at your own pace, we highly recommend renting a car in Jaipur. In addition to travel stories featuring our favorite restaurants and accommodations, we provide information on renting a car in Jaipur as well as photos and videos of the city’s attractions. All of this is on the program to help you dream and, why not, prepare your next trip to India. Good reading.

How to get to Jaipur?

To book your flight to India at the best price, find our tips and  advice for booking a cheap flight  online in our dedicated articleThe average price of a flight is around €500 return.

From Agra

As often, Indian trains are late. We did not deviate from this rule because our train started with a delay of 30 minutes and the delays then accumulated. Result: 2h30 delay in total. It’s part of the journey

Rajasthan train india station jaipur travel blog

We share compartments for 4 people, the opportunity to share some good times with the Indians.

Please note: Seat numbers are randomly distributed when booking tickets online. Therefore, on paper, you are not guaranteed to travel together if you have booked multiple tickets. It is therefore once on board that we negotiate its placement between passengers. In any case, remember to print one ticket per passenger in case you are not in the same car in the end.

Tip:  When  booking your tickets  in AC 2 class, if you want to be together and installed upstairs in the cabin, tick 1 seat in “Upper” and 1 seat in “Side Lower”. You will thus increase the chance of being nearby if you are two travelers.

In the city

You have arrived in Jaipur. We give you  the best advice for getting around in this city of more than 2 million inhabitants.

We stayed 2 whole days and 3 nights in Jaipur. The pink city is a large city in the region of Rajasthan with  2.3 million inhabitants . The attractions of the city are especially present in the old fortified city nicknamed the pink city. You enter through one of the 7 doors.

jaipur old city gate

From these gates, wide avenues lead to the heart of the city. There is a dusty and tumultuous atmosphere , frantic activity and unbridled traffic. Rickshaws rub shoulders with buses, bicycles, motorbikes, pedestrians, but also cows.

jaipur old town top view

There are still typical alleys in the old center  , not always clean, of course, but where traffic is limited. This is where Indians jostle amid  stalls and artisan shops .

ar Mantar. This is our  TOP 5 must visit in Jaipur . Let’s not forget either the markets and the walks in town.

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